Technology and Autistic Spectrum Disorders


Early Detection and Diagnosis Technologies

There are two distinct methods of early detection and diagnosis of ASD in infants, zero to twelve months of age, currently being researched. While neither approach can clinically diagnose an infant with ASD, the ability to predict future diagnosis in both methods is startlingly accurate.

AAC Tablet Example
Example of an AAC Device

The first method places the infant in a device that tracks eye movement and specifically measures the length of time eye contact lasts between the infant and an image of a caregiver, typically a parent, over a period of time (Autism Speaks 2013).

The second method involves imaging brains of ASD sufferers and using the results to understand the physiological changes that occur in those that develop the condition. According to Shen et al. (2013) specific biomarkers exist in brains of children under the age of one that are accurate predictors of future ASD diagnosis.

The benefits of early detection of ASD are many and while there is no cure for the condition, early diagnosis gives the child earlier access to specifically designed programs than they would otherwise receive should the condition remain undiagnosed.

Augmentative and Alternative Communication Technology

The nature of ASD is that the condition inhibits the ability of sufferers to interact with other people in socially appropriate ways (Volkmar & Pauls 2003). Depending on the severity of the condition, sufferers often struggle with basic social functions such as maintaining appropriate eye contact, understanding verbal and non-verbal social cues and may have severe verbal communication disabilities.

In the early nineties technological advances led to the first AAC devices becoming commercially available (Augmentative and Alternative Communication 2014). One of the most popular AAC devices is the TalkTablet (2014). The device aids communication by allowing the user to select symbols on a touch screen and have the meanings of those selections outputted in a synthesized voice.

Educational Technology

The effectiveness of computers as ASD learning aids in educational settings has proven especially effective (Goldsmith & LeBlanc 2004). Research indicates that the logical and consistent interaction computers provide appeals to those with the condition.

The technology available to assist learning includes software that teaches facial expressions and meanings, how to maintain eye contact and even virtual reality systems that develop situational awareness (Bellani et al 2011). In addition there is also software that teaches the standard educational curriculum.

Of all the educational technology assisting ASD sufferers, virtual reality appears to offer the most hope in improving social functioning and learning outcomes. Applications of the technology vary from simulating real world situations such as crossing a road to simulating complete virtual classrooms.

Future Applications of Technology

Technology changes rapidly and assistive technology for ASD sufferers is no exception. Improvements in computing power, software and connectivity will undoubtedly lead to better devices for ASD sufferers. Technology such as Oculus Rift (Next-Gen Virtual Reality 2014) is pioneering development of high performance, low cost virtual reality systems. The combining of low cost virtual reality systems with ASD software could prove a powerful tool in improving sufferer’s lives. The potential applications are limitless for such a platform.


There is conclusive evidence to suggest that the use of assistive technologies in ASD leads to tangible improvements in sufferer’s lives. Early detection technology is allowing ASD sufferers to receive intervention and assistance earlier whilst increasing the overall scientific understanding of the condition. AAC technology is removing the isolation barriers around those affected most by the condition and educational technology is improving the learning environment and outcomes. While the use of virtual reality systems is improving current techniques and making previously unimaginable techniques for treating the condition possible.